ehow: Resize YouTube Player
Blogging Success and Failures
- Lack of interest.
- Busy with new job or work.
- Low traffic.
- Fewer visitors.
- No more post or article to make.
- Laziness to update blogs
- Decreased Google Page Ranks or PR zero
- Adsense account was disabled due to invalid clicks.
- Low or no affiliate and advertisement income.
- Language
- Examine your title, articles or posts. Most authors or successful bloggers recommends to have one theme. Topics that will lead the readers to bookmark your site or to subscribe to you posts. It does not matter if your will just make 20 articles of same theme. Readers will come back and spend more time in your site if they found your site useful.
- Examine your website design and template. Does it matches your title? Does the graphics are related to the theme? Do not put more graphics. Avoid to many widgets. Do not add ad links that have pop ups. It is annoying. Put yourself in the readers shoe and you will never visit that site again.
- Examine how long your page will load. How many seconds or minutes until it will be fully loaded. This happens when you add more pictures in the website. When you created a post with pictures, try to edit it or embed the image URL or just the image link. Photobucket and Flickr are some places to edit the size or the get html or image URL links.
- Create 5 or more Lengthy articles.
Love Birds Ville

I joined Johnsonville contest under Get Crazy Category.
At home, we have two lovely birds: Yellow and Red is Chinkee, a male bird who has been lonely for 5 months alone in one of our room. Green and White is Lovely Rita, a female bird who came along 4 months ago. When Rita came, Chinkee was no longer interested in me. He focused all his attention to Lovely Rita. I felt that he doesn't even want to see me.... Wahhhh. They stayed in the next room, where windows are closed all day. I just give them food and water. At first they were not in the cage. They freely flew around the room. And mess around the room! Oh my..... terrible!
So, I decided to moved them in the living room, where they can see the nature, feel the fresh air, see other birds chirping but inside the cage. At least now, their voices are heard, they chirped and make much noise when they hear other birds.I can tell how happy they are in their new paradise. Look how lovely they are. So close, but they are not doing bad. It is just their nature, they used to rest and sleep like that. Hello, Smile!-chinkee & rita
Armani Exchange New Premium Denim at $98
One day, it just flashes in my thoughts the idea of trying to purchase Denim online. It worked! I can see how the fabric is and its style by using the zoom and other features at dozens of online sites. I now find my favorite site: Armani Exchange featuring the New Premium Denims starting at $98. I can't tell you how many jeans I've already ordered. And, I have an order for another pair in my cart right now. Smile.
These are some of my favorites:
- Light Wash Jeans online exclusive of 30% off and now & $89 from $125 regular price.
- Potassium Straight Leg $98.
- Wing Printed Boot Cut. $125.

My Online Earning Journey
The Search
I am one of the Internet users who wanted to earn money online. I have read some advertisements about it, click and read tons of ads and articles but ended up wasting my time. For a beginner like me, it was really hard. I didn't know how to start, what to believe and what to focused on. All are experimental. It is really true as what the famous qoute written, "Experience is the best teacher". You will encounter numerous of "how to's" in your mind. In times like this, you need to:
- be patient
- learn from your mistakes
- seek help by posting comments to relevant articles, forums and contact authors if necessary
- do not give up
- keep on reading blogs, articles,books and magasines
- identify scams by reading reviews
- read every terms and conditions before accepting it.
- read FAQ's
Online Forum is one of the best place to check. There are forums for work at home, online earnings, scams, reviews and etc. It is also another way of bringing more traffic to your website by making a signature of your website so that everytime you post a topic or respond to any topic, your signature can be viewed and will lead readers to visit your site.
I first learned about how to earn online in the forum. I joined a forum called The World of Filipinas and I used to check on New Post almost everyday. At first, I was just a member, a reader and then I started posting topics. At that time there were people who were talking about bloggingsand Payperpost were the most popular. They were talking about some short cuts or terms where I was not familiar : ppp for payperpost, opp for oppurtunities and ss for socialspark, blogsv, payu and etc. I asked them what each of them stands for. They were very excited sharing experiences and how they enjoyed catching opps, the difficulties in making post and techniques on how to make it easier.
People also posted about surveys, paid emails and there were times that people get crazy oncashcrate thing!
Blogging Journey
I started using blogger about 3 years ago. Just a signed up thing and posted 2-4 posts and even forgot my login id and password. Maybe I made 2-3 accounts to note. I did not post regularly in Blogger since I have no proper motivation. It was just a try. I had no idea about adsense thing.
When I learned about blogging, people started with a blogspot account. I created one again. Now what? According to some sources, in order to be approved to some paid blogs and reviews, our blog should at least 3 months old with at least 20 original posts. I also need to build traffic to my website by following their suggestions:
- submit my URL to major search engines
- submit it to social network working sites
- add chat box
- exchange links with co-bloggers
- update posts regularly
- create buzz
I did all those stuffs. I know there are still tons of ways to promote a website but being a novice PC user and blogger, that was all I know.
I have 4 wordpress accounts. But I did not use my wordpress for my paid blogs. No reason. Although, I was happy with wordpress, I enjoyed watching my traffic and its sources from the dashboard statistics and also I got Page Rank 3 in my 2 blogs and PR 2 in other blogs. I think I earned more traffic in wordpress. Every time I received email from wordpress comments,it was all heaven.
Get Paid to Blog Sites
When my blogs was ready, I submitted it to some paid blogging sites. Each get paid to blog sites has its own rules, conditions and requirements. The sites mentioned below are some of the sites that I joined and made money.
I think the earnings will depends on the following:
- Pagerank - The higher the PR the more opportunities available to be taken and you can choose great offers.
- Domain - If your domain is a dot com, your can avail more opportunities than having a blogspot.com, wordpress.com, and others.
- Categories - Some offers does not belong to the cateregories you setup. Change it and be sure you are able to make post for every category you have choosen.
- Frequency of Checking Opps - Some people stays awake at night or get up at early morning to catch more and better offers.
- Referrals - Post referral banners in your website. I have 10 referral earnings at $15 each approved bloggers.
I joined smorty, blogsvertise, socialspark and payingpost and made few bucks. My overall income for my bloggings is around $1200 for one year.
When we did paid bloggings, our google page rank will go down. And it happens to me. I got PR 0 on blogspot site and it means that you can get low offers. We can avoid this by not adding any sponsored posts banners to our site. I only have one website for my paid bloggings. I decided to stop blogging because it will be a waste of time again unless I will create another blogs and will start from scratch again.
Online Surveys
I've learned my lessons on taking online surveys. What a waste of time for few cents! Imagine, answering surveys for 20-30 minute or an hour for a $2 promise that would never come until you reach their payout requirements. The worst thing happened to me was my computer crashed for installing survey software and clicking some survey ads just to proceed with the survey. Mal wares or spy ware, Trojans and viruses were what I gained for entertaining surveys. I was also risking personal identify to those people that I never meet plus unwanted calls from their marketing partners. Some people said not to write your own phone number except for the area code, but it is unfair for those who match the telephone number we entered. I also received survey via mail, promising for a tons of coupons and sweepstakes and all. I did it all but never received anything.
I know not all online earning stuffs works for everybody that is we need to try and see what works best for us.
Paid Emails
Before joining any paid emails, we should search for reviews of each site. It is best way to know if the site is a scam, if they pay good or not. I joined inboxdallors, snapdollars and cashcrate before.
For InboxDollars, we need to have $30 earnings before we can request for payments. I would like to stop, but was motivated to join when I read an article on ehow about paid emails, she set date for cashout, shopping online for birthday or on December for Christmas. It is so boring to read/click and it takes 3-5 seconds but anyway my current earning is $27.45 so I'l just buy it and cashout without a word and say bye bye!
I made a mistake for starting to paid emails on snapdollars, I did not check for reviews! Just a week ago, I checked and found some complains, so good bye!
Cashrate at first I got crazy, there were people who posted on forum about how they earned big bucks for cashcrate, showing their checks and the post was so convincing. But I only tried it for a week because I found out that it was a waste of time and my computer crashes. It is not a scam.
Your skills can help you become successful in any online contest opportunities that you might like to join. Although I do not have formal trainings in origami and video making but I made a try.
Video Contest
I joined a video making contest at viddiction.com. And I won first prize of $500 for making an educational or instructional video on origami. The contest that I joined was the last contest they have posted. I was just got lucky on that time. I think they were trying to promote the site using contest but did not reach the desire number of traffics going to the site and they stopped. I ended up receiving spam emails. When I checked the site back, the contest winners from the first month are no longer published. So I guess that they are not active anymore.
SmartSpace Web Page Builder Contest
I was also successful or just got lucky and be one of the top three most creative entry and got $5,000.
Writing Articles
I started writing articles in ehow last April. I made $10.66 on the first month and $11.57 on the second month for 15 articles in all. I also tried associated content, bukisa and I am now crazy with hubpages.
I think I will focus on ehow and hubpages. I have just make my hubs 2 days ago and found myself writing. This is better than blogging because, I do not need to get up early to catch good offers, I do not need to make google PR, my earnings will go on and on even if I will not write for few days or weeks and it is stress free.