
Perfect Gifts at Sears Layaway Program

One of the most difficult and stressful holidays for many people is Christmas. You are preparing gifts for others and others are preparing for YOU. Let us think: you may have great grandparents, grandparents, god parents, parents, children, siblings, aunts & uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces and friends.Which ones do you want to get a gift for thins year. Exchanging gifts is not only for family and friends. It is also common among co-workers, students, teachers and staff.

Consider the following questions before deciding to buy gifts for Christmas OR any holiday.

How many gifts are you going to prepare and how many people are on your lists?
How much is your budget? Try to apportion the money in accordance with your true feelings and any responsibilities you may have.
What gift items you might wish to give to each of them?

Below are some of my specific gift giving plans for the upcoming holiday:

$29.99 and under fashion or 50% off sleepwear and sweaters for my female siblings, cousins, nieces and close friend.
$14. Kids jeans for the neighbor kids.
$89.99 Craftsman NEXTEC™ 12 Volt Lithium-Ion 3/8-Inch Reversible Drill/Driver for my father.
@269.99 Tailored Home Farmhouse 5 pc. High Dinette for my mother

How much does it cost me? You guess it right if you said maybe $1000. And I do not have much right now. THERE IS A SOLUTION: I have found the best deal for this holiday. The Sears Layaway Program offers $15 0r 20% down payment. All you have to do is to pick OUT an item and make that small down payment. And just pay a little when you can, maybe weekly or whenever. Take time to explore Sears Layaway online and then visit store nearest you. When the holiday comes you will be all prepared!


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