
Chemical Investment banking

Finance girls listen up...Maureen Cannon has just been made a senior part of the great chemical mergers and acquisitions firm: valencegroup.com. This is the specialized investment banking firm we wrote about last year.  Since they specialize in chemical m&a they have their ear on the very specific and specialized information, for example, the cycles, participants needs and problems better than anyone.
Last year we wrote about how the firms' independence made them a great merger and acquisitions vehicle because they avoid the natural conflict that often occurs in these  types of banking relationships.  There is never even the appearance of conflict of interest.
Maureen will be working out of the New York City office.  Their firm has its biggest office in London  and third biggest is in Shanghai.  Her past work with agricultural companies make her a natural. 
DO YOU STILL NEED A HIGH PAYING JOB?  This is a live wire company that is expanding.  They have been going for four years now and have the greatest collection of experts in their chosen specialty that one can imagine.  Combined, their top management has over one hundred and fifty years of experience in the chemicals and banking field.  The name valence refers to the point at which different chemicals may merge, change or explode.  If you want expert banking advice or a lead on a great place to work in the chemical investment banking field, visit their site:  www.valencegroup.com


Apartment for Rent in Edmonton

Hello dear blog buddies. Do we have great news for you. Our dear sister Lindamay Louisiana has just moved to EDMONTON, as we reported in our last Lindamay message. The news is that she used a great site to help her find a wonderful affordable well located apartment for rent in Edmonton. It has things arranged so easily. You can choose to click on a section of the city, say Gibbons, Ludoc or Devon and see what is available instantly. There is a simple graphic of the city map showing the twenty or so recognized sections so you can pick a place easily even IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE CITY WELL!!!

 Lindamay told us that the site is easy to use because it can sort the available listings in many different ways...all instantly: For example you can sort by price. Or you can sort by the number of bedrooms. Or you can sort by the type of property: apartment or house...Just imagine your own home located easily.

One more thing dear bloggers: Last year our friend Geraldo Cantones used this site so successfully that he then went on to buy the house he was renting! The Company, RentEdmonton.com then got him his mortgage!!! Yes they are a full service real estate management company. They have a great reputation and we like them a lot.


Teaching Me

Thanks for the article from Glenda Hanson

There are so many people trying to teach me how to use a computer you’d think I’d be an IT expert by now. But nope, I’m just as technologically inept as I’ve ever been even though my kids, my husband and even my boss are in on the effort. I’m just much more comfortable with a pen and paper than I am working really hard to do anything else – I can’t imagine why people don’t write letters anymore and why they don’t care about how impersonal it seems to send an email. I recently stumbled ontohttp://www.tvbydirect.com/ and signed us up for DirecTV and you would have thought my husband thought I’d launched a rocketship – he was so proud of me for getting online and not asking for help you would have thought I should get a gold medal! I am not all that interested in learning anything more but at least I’m able to get online and do what I need to do to get my work done both professionally and personally.


Walgreens and Express Scripts Program

This post brought to you by Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.


Hey health care consumers... all of us in other words.  We have a very interesting situation to tell you about.
Express scripts is a middle man broker type of business.  They have been unwilling or unable to negotiate a new contract with our favorite pharmacy: WALGREENS.  This means that if you get your prescription medications through express scripts, You won't be able to use Walgreens for those orders.  Even if they are the best choice for you, If you have express scripts you will not be able to use then. for all the technical details you can see the official version here at Walgreens and Express Scripts.
For more on this issue you can also go to Walgreens on Twitter or Walgreens on Facebook
Here is the good news.  If your prescription drug benefit card does not say "express scripts" on it, THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU.  More good news... even if you have express scripts the program WALGREENS has their Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens.  You probably know about this saving plan that costs 20 dollars for an individual and 35 dollars for a family.
ON A TEMP basis, to deal with this mean trick of the broker. Walgreens is offering the same plan at a 75 percent discount.  YES  it only cost 5 dollars for an individual and ten dollars for a family.
Your local pharmacy is , as always, the best source for up to the minute information.  Tell us you experience.

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