
Redgage Experiment

I joined redgage when I reading a forum in ehow. One member inform the community that she will be on TV because she was interviewed for online earning episode and for redgage and ehow. So I was curious what's in redgage. I then created an account, update profiles and start posting. I was amazed how easy to publish content in this website while you are being paid for your content. All your website links will be synchorined and became authomatically your content. Easy to upload photos, documents, videos and link plus a bunos everytime your content will be features. They also run contests every day. See you there!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy RedGage but I can'r seem to upload documents. I haven't made much money from the site yet. You can check out my profile at http://www.redgage.com/#rf:/profile:innercontainer:dashboard.user
