
Foundations of a Happy Marriage

Don't expect your mate to read your mind. Be a willing, open communicator. Don't ever be afraid to share your feelings (especially the good ones)...

Keep romance alive. Love notes, flowers, candy, dating, cuddling, and any unexpected acts of kindness all go a long way toward keeping the romance in any relationship. Think of ways to show you are in love, and do them.

Have a sense of humor. And have fun. Remember the things you like to do together, find some more, and then do them. Laughing and having a good time together is one of the best ways to stay happy and fulfilled.

Have an adjustable attitude. Attitude works wonders on bad days. Whether it's seeing the humor in a situation, making a change, or accepting something, attitude is one of the greatest forces in life. Always remember that you can control yours.

Love each other unconditionally and always. Love others. Love nature. Appreciate the little things; stop to enjoy a sunset or the smell of a flower. Look for the happiness and the good in life, and your life will be happy and good, too.

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