
Hawaiian Monk Seals

At Fiji beach in Kapaa in the Island of Kauai, a monk seal was relaxing and resting in the seashore. At first, It was not easy to see a monk seal there as it looks like one of the logs resting on the seashore. But take a closer look and you will see the difference. It was a monk seal comfortably relaxing on the shore. Look more closely, he look at you.....

According to Hawaii Monk Seals Watch Program,
Hawaiian Monk Seals, (Monachus schauinslandi), are among the
most endangered creatures on earth. They are one of only two
mammals endemic to Hawai`i, the second being a species of bat. Often referred to as "living fossils", they have remained relatively unchanged for over 15 million years. The Hawaiian archipelago, stretching from the big island of Hawai`i northwestward past Midway Island, is the primary terrestrial habitat of the Hawaiian Monk Seal (HMS). Nearly 90% of them live around the tiny, uninhabited islands and atolls in the upper reaches of the chain. For approximately 25 seals, the waters and beaches of Kaua`i are home.

I first saw a monk seal in another beach near kapaa, and it was protected with signs not to disturb the sleeping monk seals and need to stay away from them. Just few meters aways, those seals are quite smaller than this. I was really amazed how big it was, I was thinking that she is pregnant. Could be? huh.

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